Interstellar is a sci-fi/adventure film directed by Christopher Nolan, starring Mathew McConaughey, Anne Hathaway. The story is set in future when Earth has become uninhabitable. Cooper, played by Mathew McConaughey, a former NASA pilot, is tasked to lead a team of researcher in search of a distant planet sustainable for life. Interstellar is one of the most famous films and also source of various meme templates. Here, we have collected the most used video meme templates from Interstellar.
Emotional Cooper watching messages
Cooper getting emotional watching messages video meme is from Interstellar, when cooper comes back from other planet and watched old messages of his family. Click on the button below to download the video meme templates.
Cooper crying
Cooper crying video meme is from Interstellar, when cooper comes back from other planet and watched old messages of his family. Click on the button below to download the video meme templates.
Cooper screaming in space suit
Cooper screaming in space suit video meme template is from the climax of Interstellar, when we watches his older self leave. Click on the button below to download the video meme templates.